Like most people, I got married in June. We had to work our wedding around several things to make this happen.
1. My husband wanted to have his wings, get married in his whites, and have it in June.
2. My dad needed to finish his car.
3. It could NOT be the weekend of Back to the 50’s!
4. No way would I have a military wedding on 4th of July (which my husband wanted… but I am a Minnesotan… we go to our cabins on the 4th of July!)
So, we ended up getting married on June 28, 2008. My husband flew in for the weekend of our wedding, and we drove off the Monday after to Florida to start our life together.
So much has happened over the past 4 years.
1. We have lived in 2 states, and at the end of summer we will add one more to our list.
2. We got a dog!
3. ALL of our friends had children. Ok, all but ONE! No kidding. But not us! (That’s a good thing, no worries)
4. We went on our honeymoon to Alaska! Which we loved, even though we were the youngest couple on the boat!
5. We joined two winery wine clubs! Chateau Ste. Michelle and Columbia Winery
6. We made it through 2 deployments!
7. And drove cross country three times, four at the end of summer.
We have made countless memories, which I plan on scrapping in Hawaii. I want to make an album of our life before kids. Something to show our kids that we were fun (and hopefully will still be). Show them all the places we went together, and adventures we went on.
Next month I am turning 28. I know I am still young, but we are still going to wait on having children. Did anyone else wait a while to have kids? We know our lives will change once we do. Which makes us both a little nervous. We see our friends that can’t do certain things because they have kids. Plus we don’t have a family around to watch them. But maybe we are still just kids ourselves.
But on a happy ending note, Happy Anniversary! Four years, and many more ahead!
P.S. I loved my wedding photographer. I give her super props for being the best ever! All of the photos are from her, I want to make sure I give credit where credit is due!