Oh we made it to Kansas City, MO, last Thursday! We have been super busy (and super tired) too! Our last day we drove through Nebraska. I would post a picture, but its Nebraska. Pretty much the same thing all the way through it… flat. (sorry to those who live there… but it is a really boring drive across I-80)
We are headed through Iowa (of course stop in Ames, our Alma Mater) on Wednesday, and we will reach Minnesota Wednesday afternoon. We will be dropping off the car and the dog, head back to Washington, finish packing out our house, and then after Thanksgiving, I will spend the next several months in Minnesota while my husband deploys.
Halloween so far is good. My husband was able to go to the Chief’s game with his friends, so I spent my time catching up on blogs and hanging out with my Mother in Law. We are watching the Chief’s game on TV, but to be honest, I could care less. Football is not my sport… but what about those CARDNIALS?!
I am a baseball fan. A Twins fan. But when the Twins suck (which yes, this year was not a happy year), I support my husband. We were rooting for the Cards, and what a game that was!
The best thing about Missouri is…
I went with my MIL today! I was so happy to be there. It has been AT LEAST 5 years since I was in one last, and that was in Ames, IA. I call it the Hooby Looby. I might have to convince my husband to take me back. I only bought one thing with my coupon… some Be Mine paper from Echo Park! I love the collection (black and pink) and since I was in Paris this summer, It will be fabulous to scrapbook with. I remember going to the Hoob with my friends. Freshman year I was an Interior Design major… so I spent hours getting supplies there, and then the last 3 years it was usually for sorority craftiness! Since I changed my major to Child & Family Services.
My mom and I will be making our scrapbooks together from our trip this summer, and I can’t wait! I can’t wait to head to Archivers, and I can’t wait to give back, and have some giveaways for all my AMAZING followers! I won’t be back in Minnesota until December, so it won’t be until after then. But I wanted to let you all know that I will be having some parties going on over at one.heart.scrapper! What things do you like to win in Giveaways?? I am not made of money, but what are your favorites? Cartridges? Paper Packs? Embelishments? Tools? Gift Cards? Let me know, I will take all the input I can, I want it to be fun!
Sorry this is so long! I just wanted to fill in why I haven’t crafted in SO LONG! (and yes it is killing my inside.) I just want to get some glue, paper, and pictures out, just to make something!! I also wanted to apply for so many design teams, but these past couple months have restricted me from doing so… My husband says to wait until we get to Hawaii next summer, but that seems SO FAR AWAY! Plus, how many craft stores are in Hawaii?? Anyone know?? Joann’s, Michaels, Hobby Lobby, AC Moore?? Or an I going to be an ONLINE shopper? There is something about touching a product and seeing it in person before you buy it!
OK. I rambled enough. No kids in my department (or family). No parties. No nothing. Just me and my “Halloween T-shirt”, and a few glasses of SkinnyGirl Cosmos!

peace. love. dove. & Happy Halloween!